Membership Policy

Thank you for joining Introverted Girlfriends! Our mission is to inspire and educate introverted women by giving them the tools to become more confident, take charge of their lives, and put themselves out there. The purpose of the Meetup group is for introverted women to get out of the house, develop a social network and build lasting friendships.

About the Group
Introverted Girlfriends has several in-person Meetup chapters across the country. Each city has its own Event Organizers who are responsible for organizing and coordinating events. In addition, there may be a City Leader who is responsible for the overall management of the group. Introverts prefer small and intimate settings, so events are generally limited to 12 attendees (unless otherwise noted).

Membership Requirements:
1. This group is for introverted women only. If you are unsure of your personality type, you can take the assessment at

2. Your profile must include a photo of yourself for transparency and the safety of our members. This is a private group, so the usernames and profile information of our members are hidden from search engines and non-members.

We charge $18 for annual dues to cover Meetup costs, help compensate event organizers and city leaders, encourage more engaged members, have a reserve fund, help improve events and other operational expenses. There is a 60-day trial period once you join the group. To continue your membership after the trial, please make sure to pay the dues before your free trial ends. Failure to do so will result in removal from the group, but you can always rejoin by submitting the required payment.

RSVPing and Attending an Event:
You should only attend an event if you RSVP and you’re on the “Going” list. If you see an event is full and you would like to attend, add yourself to the waitlist and then add to your personal calendar. It’s highly likely that you will be able to attend if you are one of the first few people on the waitlist. Check back up no later than one day before the event to see if a spot has opened for you. You should also receive a notification from Meetup if you’re moved up from the waitlist.

Schedules change and life happens. However, if you are not planning to attend an event, please update your RSVP to “No” or “Not Going” as soon as you know that you are no longer able to attend. You can notify the Event Organizer if you are unable to update your status. The Event Organizers work very hard to put together events for the group and it is discourteous when you do not show up. It is also inconsiderate of other members that are on the waitlist and wanted to attend the event.

Three no-shows in a six-month period may result in your removal from the group and you will not be allowed to rejoin the group for at least a three-month period. A “No-Show” is defined as one of the following:

  • RSVPs and is on the “Going” list but does not attend the event,
  • Updates RSVP to “No” within 24 hours of the event, or
  • Attends the event but does not check in with the Event Organizer.

Helpful Tip: We recommend you download the Meetup app and turn on push and email notifications. That way you’re receiving confirmations and reminders about the meetups you’re signed up to attend. Also, you should enable private messaging so the event organizer can contact you directly if needed.

Soliciting and Advertising is NOT Allowed:
This group is not for self-promotion or promotion of any other products or services. Only approved sponsors can promote in the group. Please do not share any GoFundMe pages or solicit for money or donations. You can email if you are interested in advertising with us or would like to sponsor a Meetup group. 

We encourage you to take photos and post on the Meetup event page. If you post on Instagram or Facebook, be sure to hashtag #IGFSMeetup #introvertedgirlfriends and/or tag us @introvertedgirlfriends so that we can highlight the event.

As a condition of your attendance at an Introverted Girlfriends Meetup event, you grant Introverted Girlfriends, LLC, its licenses, successors, and assignees the right, but not the obligation, to photograph and film you and use your likeness in the production, exhibition, distribution, promotion, publicity and advertising in any and all media throughout the world in perpetuity. However, we will honor your request if you inform the event organizer in advance if you wish to exclude yourself from any photographs or films.

Contact Us: – we welcome all questions or concerns.

Connect With Us on Social Media:
Instagram –

Facebook Group –

Learn About Our History and Executive Team: